akera.io newsletter #1

the lightweight approach

What is new in akera.io

While adding nifty new features can be both fun and rewarding it worth less than nothing if not shared with others therefore we will try to periodically send this kind of newsletters out, if you’re not yet subscribed to our newsletter hurry up and do so now…

  • Administration Service

    While we keep on using our simple approach of having one configuration file per service instance this new service module allows one to have a unified management of services defined on the server and control them through a easy to use web user interface.
    All akera.io services can now be installed as daemon service at the OS level (Windows, Unix).

    Accompanying the node.js API available from our first releases you can now access the akera.io application server from Java applications using a features full application programming interface (API). Both basic data access (CRUD) and calling any application business logic are supported.
  • JDBC Driver

    Our own JDBC driver for OpenEdge business logic is now available in a new flavour using the akera.io Java API. If you don’t have an Progress Application Server installed but would like to get access to your application data and business logic through standard JDBC interface you can use akera.io application server instead.
  • Performance

    As always things can be done better and we’re thriving to improve all the time, some improvements in that area:

    • web service cluster mode to better use available CPU’s
    • JSON option for output/input-output parameters to avoid encoding the value as string


Some of the things we are currently working on and are planned to be released in upcoming releases…

  • oData REST Interface

    oData is an open protocol to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way, that is why we took the decision to implement akera.io REST interface on top of it. More details about this on OASIS web site - http://www.odata.org.

  • Common Component Specifications

    With the Common Component Specification initiative of Progress beginning to take shape we will provide support for 'business entities' in akera.io APIs.

  • Data Driven Development

    Tooling and development environment is where our focus will be in the following months. With extensive experience in model driven development and domain specific languages we thought what better model could we start from than the underlying application database. More about this during an upcoming session at this year EMEA PUG Challenge - http://www.pugchallenge.eu.

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More information on akera.io web site, our public repositories are hosted on Github and you can also find us on Facebook.

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