The standard interface that glues Progress Business Logic and Java.

ABL JDBC driver brings the power of Progress ABL to the Java world in a standardized way. By leveraging your existing business logic the ABL JDBC driver can expose it to powerful reporting engines or data integration tools. This can help you to integrate versatile reporting solutions inside your Progress ABL application or easily respond to application and data integration requests without the pain of going to complex application changes to support them.

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graficWhat differentiate ABL JDBC for existing JDBC driver is that it facilitate access to the business logic instead of the low level raw data access provided by the regular JDBC through the SQL engine.

The high level overview diagram shows how can ABL JDBC be the missing piece in the data puzzle. Use the same business logic that already exist in your application to prepare data for reports or export to other systems using extract transformation tools.

The advantages are that the business logic is kept in a single place, no need to duplicate it in different technologies (ABL, SQL), changes in the application business logic are immediately applied even for reports (as long as the result set does not change the reports will run as before even the data retrieval logic was substantially changed), use the same security implemented in your application without having to go through all the hassle of setting SQL security.

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