Zamolxis on Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge 12.

With the upgrade to a new version of Eclipse platform to 4.9 in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge installing Zamolxis ERD fails because of missing dependencies.

The cause is some of the modelling components – namely the GMF Tooling – used by Zamolxis are no longer included in the main Eclipse update site. In order to be able to install Zamolxis in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge version 12+ the update site for GMF tolling must also be added to the list of update sites in Eclipse the same way the Zamolxis update site is added, and make sure you check the ‘contact all update sites’ for dependencies resolution.

The GMF Tooling update site is

Another dependency that might be missing is for package required by the model compare feature, this is available through Orbit repository:

After adding those two additional update sites please make sure you check the Contact all update sites during install to find required software when installing Zamolxis features.

Happy modelling.