Bonita BPM Connector

Bonita Open Solution is an open-source BPM suite with an Eclipse based studio designer for process modeling backed-up by a powerful BPM & Workflow engine, more info can be found on Bonita Software web-site as well as on the community web-site.

The ABL Business Logic JDBC connector leverage your existing application business logic by exposing it to the BPM suite in a standard way through the ABL JDBC driver for Business Logic.

The connector supports multiple result sets (ProDataSet) and provides basic functionality to retrieve data from the resulting data set:

  • getResultSet: retrieve the result set object either by index or by name
  • getColumns: retrieve the column names from result set (by index or by name)
  • toTable: retrieve all rows from a result set in a array list
  • toList: retrieve all row values for a result set’s column as a string list

Beside the result data set used for data retrieval purposes the connector also support update operations and provides an output parameter with the number of rows affected by the update statement.

The connector can be downloaded from the contributions page on web-site, source code is hosted on this bitbucket public repository.